Dick Blick

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Floorcloth SALE - closing out of the old stuff

Yep - it is time to move on. This is your opportunity to buy a cool floorcloth for your hardwood, tile or lineoleum floor. These are designed to go on any hard surfaced floor.

Check them out. There are 14 of them for sale.

My process is that I cut my own canvas, prepare the canvas for the floorcloth, handpaint each piece individually without any patterns. Upon completion, I use a special floor covering varnish which lasts 10-12 years with just a wet wipe - nothing harsh.The floorcloth is stain-resistant, durable and great for any room - especially a hard surfaced floor.I am selling my floorcloths at close out prices because I am closing them out. No special orders, please. Final sales. I have more than twenty years of painted floorcloth experience in the arts. I know how well these are made and how long they will last.
More information about me as an artist is at www.lipmandesigns.com.
Have fun shopping!

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