Dick Blick

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday in MA

It was predicted to be a rainy day, yesterday. But only a drop fell on us.

I met my brother in Cambridge to spend a few hours together. It was a wonderful afternoon. Too bad we live so far apart.

We started the MIT press bookstore. http://web.mit.edu/bookstore/www/ It took us an hour to browse through all the indie press titles. That bookstore is a wonderful resource. The art selection is not the ordinary. One book, about Crochet, was crochet shown and created using math configurations. Thus, MIT's interest!

I bought Inspiring Writing in Art and Design: Taking a line for a while by Pat Francis. This fit right in with my current classwork by Susie Monday: Text on the Surface. http://www.susiemonday.com/ I am one of her test pilots and the class is motivating me to create more art.

Back to yesterday: Following the hour of browsing through all the terrific books. We lunched at Legal Sea Foods in Kendall Square. www.legalseafoods.com Umm, the Asian Vegetables with Scallops were delicious.

Two very full people decided to walk. And we did. Around MIT and across the Harvard Bridge to Boston. Along the Charles River : things were so beautiful and in bloom. Then across the crumbling Longfellow Bridge to Kendall Square. - 1 1/2 hours! It seems everyone was jogging or sailing or walking.

Rick, my brother went on to fly to Germany to work in Europe for the week. I drove home and two hours later it rained! What luck.

(This is a bridge in Back Bay Boston.)

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